Brussel Sprout and Chicken Sausage Soup
What do you get when you have brussel sprouts that need to be used and Costco chicken sausage hiding away in your freezer? This amazing soup. It was a hit all around, so easy and super delish. We served with some crusty bread and butter on a cold evening!
Homemade Cheeseburger Helper
I am loving this blog, and this recipe pretty much saved the U while we were out of town. HUT chowed down on this like a champ. I made a big pot of it the night before we left for dinner, and made sure that there were leftovers for all. Next time I'm going to add some veggies and tomatoes into it for even more deliciousness!
Chicken Pesto Sandwich
There are no words to do this sandwich justice. It's freaking fantabulous. The Greek yogurt in the salad? Brilliant. This would also be great to make as mini sandwiches for any tea, shower, get together, etc.