September 27, 2012

Four Years

It's crazy how time has flown by...

Four years. One little boy, and our girl on the way. We've gone from a couple to a family and weathered all of the storms in between. Looking back at our wedding pictures, we already look like babies back then compared to where we are now, and it's only been a four years.

Marriage is not always a smooth ride, but what I do know is that as the years pass, it seems to get sweeter. This coming year, our fifth, is looking like it will be our most interesting yet, and I can't wait to see where the road leads us. 

Happy Anniversary, U!


  1. Happy anniversary! I've been reading since weddingbee days (my 4 year was one week ago so I frequently read WB for my own wedding inspiration). Hope you two get a date out to celebrate.
